Learn And Master Addition with Addnosis

4.2 ( 5652 ratings )
Справочники Игры Обучающие Викторины
Разработчик Elsa Cantuna

Addition tables from 1 to 20.
By the constant use of this application, the student will gain certainty that he knows the addition tables, and the sensation of achievement. This is very important in the early stages of the student.

The program was designed for first, second, thirty and fourth grade students. Its very simple and powerful tool to learn basic math.

The purpose is very simple: To familiarize and help the student to learn the arithmetic tables and to develop the ability and speed to solve mathematical problems with his mind.

If the student use this application every day, for 30 minutes, the end product will be magnificent, and it will be reflected on his school report with higher grades in math.